
January Wrap-Up (2018)

While I read a decent amount this month, I couldn’t find the time to stop and write long reviews worthy to post here. Between the exams to prepare and the new semester starting right after, college work was my priority.
I don’t know if I’ll keep posting so few reviews in the following month but I sure want to put studying before reviewing, there’ll always be time to review later but my college years won’t last forever!

1) Les Seigneurs de Bohen, by Estelle Faye
Je commence l’année avec un roman français de Dark Fantasy qui m’a vraiment plu! Petit lien vers la page de référence de la rainbowtheque ici.

2) George, by Alex Gino, (translated from english to french by Francis Kerline)
Cela faisait longtemps que je voulais lire ce petit roman sur la trans-identité, quel bonheur de le voir disponible à la bibliothèque! Une bien belle lecture, très heureuse que ce livre jeunesse ai été traduit.

3) The State of Grace, by Rachael Lucas
I wrote a little review on Goodreads!
Basically I loved the ownvoices autistic representation and Grace, the main character. This was a really nice and relatable read up until something really stressful happens in the end and it ruined the book a bit for me. But I also loved the very end so this is difficult to judge and rate. In the end I rated this 3,5/5.

4) La page blanche, by Boulet, Pénélope Bagieu 
Re-lecture! Je ne me souvenais pas avoir lu ce roman graphique mais goodreads m’indique 2014 comme date de lecture (et ma sœur qui l’avait acheté me dit que oui.) C’était tout de même agréable de me replonger dans cette histoire prenante et émouvante. J’aime beaucoup les séquences où l’héroïne s’imagine plein de scénarios délirants!

5) The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials #1), by Philip Pullman
I got the new Pullman book for Christmas so a re-read was in order! Actually this book is a very first read since I have only read book 2 and 3 in french from the library which didn’t have a copy of the first one.
I posted a mini review on goodreads.

6) Assassin’s Quest (Realms of the Elderlings #3), by Robin Hobb
Another re-read! I’m late in the PlentyofHobb readalong but still taking part!
LOVED this one. Like all of them ❤

7) The Reader (Sea of Ink and Gold #1), by Traci Chee 
I wish I hadn’t read this YA Fantasy right after AQ because I couldn’t help but compare it. It was still a nice read, here’s a mini review I wrote on goodreads.

8) Wizard of the Pigeons, by Megan Lindholm
Gorgeous writing but still a bit of a disappointment to be honest!
Review on goodreads.

9) Memory’s Blade (Starfire #3), by Spencer Ellsworth
eARC from the publisher
Haaaaaaaa this final installment was really great! I would definitely recommend this trilogy of short SF novels!

10) The Warrior Within, by Angus McIntyre
eARC from the publisher
Not bad but had me bored. Nice final twist though!
Longer review on goodreads.

11) Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, by Kelly Robson
eARC from the publisher
Far future and scientists, time travel and ecological issues, weird technological advancements and really great characters!
A note on goodreads.

12) Stone Mad (Karen Memory #2), by Elizabeth Bear 
eARC from the publisher
I’m still trying to make sense of what I thought of that one. It was slow to start for a novella but I loved the feminist aspect of the story and the way the main character reflect on her romantic relationshipt with another woman.

13) The Barrow Will Send What it May (Danielle Cain #2), by Margaret Killjoy
eARC from the publisher
A-MA-ZING. If you liked the first one, you’ll love this one. I don’t know what to say except this was everything I’d hoped this sequel would be.

14) The Atrocities, by Jeremy C. Shipp
eARC from the publisher
I’m not sure what to think of this one. I was ready for a horror novella but it wasn’t that scary and kinda confusing? Not bad but not a favourite.

15) Into the Drowning Deep (Rolling in the Deep #1), by Mira Grant
THIS ONE however is a new favourite!!
An awesome cast of diverse characters, man-eating mermaids, scientific expedition, action, suspense… I had all the chills and couldn’t stop reading until I reached the end.

16) Let’s Talk About Love, by Claire Kann
Another 5/5 read: I loved the asexual representation and discussions around it. The novel in itself was a very compelling read that I devoured in one evening. I also loved to read about Alice’s struggle to find what to concentrate about in her college education, her work at the library and her relationship with her parents and soon-to-be-married best-friends.

17) The Upside of Unrequited, by Becky Albertalli 
I loved Albertalli’s novel Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda and this one didn’t disappoint either. I have some complicated feelings about this one but it always managed to throw a sentence here and there to make some of my issues go away. Definitely a nice YA contemporary novel.

18) Cobalt Squadron (Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi), by Elizabeth Wein and Phil Noto (Illustrator)
This was a really nice short novel on the Tico sisters. I loved to learn more on Paige and Rose relationship, where they come from and how they ended up being where they are on The Last Jedi. This reads like a Middle-Grade novel and is perfect for the fans.
It might be a missed opportunity to let an Asian writer write about these characters though.

Required Reading:

required reading1 - les amoursLe Misanthrope, de Molièrerequired reading2 - les amours
Les Amours, de Pierre de Ronsard



What I posted this month: 

2017 Wrap-up : FAVOURITE BOOKS
My year in books (2017)
Chronique de livre: La Messagère du ciel

Currently Reading: 

Happy February to everyone, hoping your January went well and that this year will be good to you ❤

9 thoughts on “January Wrap-Up (2018)

  1. Ohhhh Les Seigneurs de Bohen looks great!!! (no idea why I’m talking in ENG but you know, social medias and all lmao). Your required reading intrigued me : are you in Lettres Modernes? (I’m asking because I had the same xD – personally love Le Misanthrope and kinda loathe Ronsard because I never could bring myself to care xD)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is! It had been a while since I’d read a french book that I’d loved so much! And it’s so rare to find one with such a diverse cast of characters! (no worried I 100% understand haha)
      I am! Le Misanthrope was really great, while it’s short I still think most of it could have been shorter though ^^’ Still, a good one yes!
      Yeahhhh Ronsard is just a creep tbh, I’m not a big fan of his work, plus we needed a special book to understand all the mythological references but there was only one in the library :(( I’m dreading my Monday exam on this one!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right??? Thankfully I never had an exam with Ronsard as the only focus, he was blended into a broader course in Poetry (and I’m pretty sure I never mentioned him in my final essay, lmao). I think he’s the worst I had to read, with Le coeur d’amour épris (I really, reallyyyyyyy can’t with the amour courtois thing, I know it’s a product of its time but still soooooo misogynistic, ugh). Oh, and La route des Flandres (the only book I ever read without breathing, lol, given that there’s no comas xD). I was more a Littérature comparée kind of gal, I think. Good luck for your exam!!!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I like having an exam every time we finish a theme or an author but… not for this one! I suck at writing commentaries on poetry 😦
          Hahah l’amour courtois is fun to study in class because it’s always basically “WELL he wants to fuck her real bad but is putting it within many references, more or less obvious” x’)
          I do like Literature Comparée too! This semester is on poetry (again!) after the WWII (not really good for moral though) and I’m looking forward to learn more.
          Thank you ❤

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  2. Lmao yes, that’s part is fun 😂 ohhh I alwaysss took the dissertation and my third part of ‘dépassement’ in Poetry was almost always “how it creates another world/language” somehow it always worked? 😂😂😂

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